Nat Etzel Memorial Scholarship

“The first-ever meeting of the Eagle Point FFA chapter was called to order by its advisor and new Vocational Agriculture teacher Nat Etzel on September 28, 1955.” Nat Etzel spent his entire career in education helping Vocational Agriculture, Career/Technical students, and advising FFA, 4-H, and other Vocational Club members. Nat chose to move from the classroom to the office of the Regional Coordinator for Career and Vocational Education in 1971. There have been few educators as ingenious, generous, kind, caring, and dedicated as Nat Etzel. Donors have graciously given to establish this memorial in order that Nat’s legacy will continue through the recipients. The Nat Etzel Memorial Scholarship recognizes those facts by distributing its annual funds, in equal amounts, to three EPHS individuals. An FFA graduating senior, a 4-H graduating senior, and a graduating senior enrolled in the Career/Technical classes and active in the Skills USA program.
To Study: Any approved program of study.
To Attend: Any accredited vocational school, community college, four-year college or university. The school must have federal Title IV designation.
Open To: FFA applicant must be an active member of EPHS FFA Chapter for the past two years and a graduating senior to receive the FFA award. The 4-H applicant must be an active member of a Jackson County 4-H club for the past two years, and a graduating senior of EPHS to receive the 4-H award. The Career/Technical applicant must be a graduating senior and an outstanding, active and contributing member of the Skills USA program for the past two years.
Selection Based Upon: the Eagle Point High School Scholarship Committee will select three outstanding graduating seniors to receive the Nat Etzel Memorial FFA, 4-H Career/Technical Scholarship. Input from the Agriculture Science/ Technology staff, and staff from the Career/Technical curriculum must be a major consideration in the awarding of these scholarships. The recipients must be outstanding, active, positive contributing members of the club and classes represented by the student application. Application required. Request E.P.H.S. Scholarship packet from Eagle Center Advisors. The student’s application must meet the rules of acceptance by the Eagle Center to be considered for the scholarship award.