Kathy Bowles Memorial Scholarship

Kathy Bowles married the love of her life, Mike Bowles in19 64. At that time they were both attending Chico State College, Kathy an Elementary Education major, and Mike an Ag-Education major. They were married the summer between their Junior and Senior year in college and completed their degree programs their senior year. Kathy taught elementary school classes at Travis Air Force Base while Mike completed his graduate degree program at U. C. Davis. They moved to Porterville California where Kathy continued teaching elementary school. The family, now with two small children moved from Porterville California to Eagle Point Oregon in 1971, and Kathy continued teaching elementary school for a few more years. Mike was teaching vo ag and horticulture at Eagle Point High School. When they purchased a small ranch in Eagle Point, Kathy spent more time helping with the management and operation of the ranch and ended her teaching career. Mike retired from teaching at Eagle Point High School in 1999. Kathy had spent much of her married life helping Mike as he worked with the FFA and often wore the title of an “Assistant FFA Advisor” as the students worked with their home projects and traveled on judging trips and convention trips. Kathy Bowles devoted her life to the students of our schools and community as an elementary school teacher in District 9. She touched the lives of many of our students and provided a caring attitude and guidance through some of the most difficult years of their lives.
To Study: Any approved program of study.
To Attend: Any accredited vocational school, community college, four-year college or university. The school must have federal Title IV designation.
Open To: Any current-year Eagle Point High School graduate, GED recipient, Charter School graduate or home school graduate who resides and will graduate within the boundaries of School District 9. The recipient must be enrolled in a program that is leading to a career in teaching.
Selection Based Upon: The scholarship award will be based on merit, classroom and related performance, grade point average, and involvement in other school and community activities. Financial need may be used as selection criteria. Applicants must complete the EPHS Local Scholarship application available from the Eagle Center, or online, and submit it prior to the deadline to be considered for the award.