David Poole Memorial Scholarship

David Poole was a local businessman who was very much interested in the youth of our area. His family and business supported many youth organizations including the local FFA, 4-H, and VICA – Vocational Industrial Clubs of America (Skills USA) programs. He also employed many young people in his business over the years, often giving them the experience of their first full-time job. The scholarship recognizes those facts by distributing its annual scholarships to FFA senior members who will continue their education post-high school and to students enrolled in the Industrial Mechanics program of Eagle Point High School who will enroll in related post-high school programs.
To Study: Any approved program of study, though preference will be given to FFA members pursuing Agriculture courses of study and Industrial Mechanics students who will pursue similar course work post-high school
To Attend: Any accredited vocational school, community college, four-year college, or university. Must have federal Title IV designation.
Open To: Any Eagle Point graduating senior. One recipient must be an active member of the EPHS FFA Chapter, who will pursue a degree in Agriculture. A second recipient must be an active and contributing member of the Industrial Mechanics program, who will pursue similar course work post-high school.
Recipient Selection: Merit, classroom and related performance, grade point average, involvement in other school activities. Financial needs may be used as a selection criterion. The EPHS FFA advisors will select one award recipient. The Industrial Mechanics instructor will select one award recipient.