78 Mike Bowles Honorary Endowment

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The Eagle Point High School class of 1978 had a 25-year reunion.  One of the classmates mentioned that she thought it would be a great idea if the class were to bond together to do something positive. The idea of creating an endowed scholarship in the name of the Class of ‘78 for a graduating senior of Eagle Point High school seemed to be the idea of most interest. The Class of 1978 learned of the D9 Foundation, and the tremendous work it has done to support education in Eagle Point. It’s terrific that our (once small) town offers a fine example of what can be accomplished when people come together and focus on doing something good. In recognition of retired Vo-Ag teacher Mike Bowles’s support of the D9 Foundation, this scholarship was named in honor of him and the Class of 1978.

To Study: Any field of study

To Attend: Any accredited two-year, four-year, or vocational/technical institution. Must have federal Title IV designation.

Open To:  Any student who meets ONE of the following criteria;

  1. Be a graduate of District 9 Schools
  2. Have successfully completed the District 9 Options Program resulting in a GED
  3. Have successfully completed the District 9 Teen Parent Program resulting in a GED
  4. Live within the geographic boundaries of School District 9 and successfully complete an accredited high school home school program.