D-9 Foundation Annual Benefit Weekend

Benefit Dinner and Auction
Come join us Saturday, September 10, 2016 at the Talon Grill, at the golf course in Eagle Point for our Annual Benefit dinner and Auction.
Our “Stars and Stripes” theme features and all-American Barbecue buffet, and many Americana themed auction items.
Social Hour and Silent Auction begins at 5:30 pm. Dinner and Oral Auction begins at 6:30 pm.
Feel free to dress your favorite patriotic Red, White and Blue attire.
$60 per person ~ $100 per couple (Dinner) – Reserve your seat and pay online here.
Tickets will be held at the door. RSVP by September 1, 2016
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Golf Tournament,
Sunday, September 11, 6016 Eagle Point Golf Course.
Check in 7:30 am. Starting Time at 9:00 am
$100 per golfer / $400 per team
Hole Sponsorships available. Please call Terri Lynn Cook at 707.951.0414
To sign up for the golf tournament, please click here.